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Music Camp 2006 – Amazing God – was held July 9–14, 2006. This year had 148 campers and 31 staff. The entire camp is pictured below.
An amazing week, where we learned more of our Amazing God.
As usual, the North Springfield weather was as unpredictable as ever. We started the week a little on the cool side, the middle of the week was wet, and by the end, it was beastly hot.
For the first time in what seems like forever, Pete was unable to attend camp (something unimportant like the birth of his son just days before camp). So Dave, with the help of his friends, woke us from a restful sleep each morning. Campers danced in the vale and enjoyed the music. No complaints, or calls to the police (ho-hum), but unfortunately we did blow three speakers.
As usual, the rain does not keep us from our fun. Each day at free time there was softball and ultimate Frisbee games and swimming in the lake. As Music Camp tradition holds, Wednesday we were throwing ourselves down a thin sheet of plastic, lubricated by soap and water.
For our evening programs this year we had a scavenger hunt, an olympics, and extra club time. Of course we held our traditional Wednesday night after dark Capture the Flag. This year we went back to the 50’s and Danny Dumbrowski sang the rules in the song “It’s Wednesday Night“.
On Friday, Lake Erie weather threw another curve ball. Early morning forecasts predicted ‘late night rain’ – after midnight. Fantastic – we can have the concert at Camp with no worries. Noontime forecast – same thing. At 2PM well past the decision time to move, the forecast calls for 8PM storms – right in the middle of the concert. So prayers were said and plastic moved strategically into place to protect the electronic equipment. With the Camp staff (and my brother via Blackberry) monitoring the storm, it miraculously split at the Pennsylvania line and went around Camp. Though there were reports of thunder (I did not hear any) only a few drops of rain fell during our last song and the concert was a success.
We hope to see all the campers and friends next year at Music Camp 2007!